First Formation: Spiritual exercise for Christian soldiers

20240422: Update

No readings, just a little update to let you know Logan and Tim have just been catching their breath. Episodes to resume soon, thanks for listening!

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Semper Familia!

Hey, listeners, this is Brother Logan Isaac broadcasting from Albany, Oregon. Just have an update or an explanation and an apology for being off the air for a little while. Those of you who know or have been listening for some time for information began as a pet project for myself to kind of get familiar with the Bible and do something that just kind of wanted to do. I did that for three, almost four years, just doing the dailies because it was kind of like the throwaways compared to the Sundays. Then I put formation on first, formation on hold. Took some time to think and realized like it was actually really good for me to kind of jump into the Bible as a practice instead of just kind of, you know, deciding what I wanted to read and gave me a lot of confidence that then went into my third book, God is a Grant and more good news for guys. And that confidence really stuck with me and I began doing the Sundays Now haven't for the last month or so because I'm an introvert and there's been a lot going on in our household and I don't have the habits and practices in place to make sure that I do the Sundays and also have energy to do, you know, host family and keep up with two young children during spring break. And my co-host, Tim Tribble, he's human, too, and got overwhelmed. And how he usually do is try and record a bunch at a time. And then I just kind of automate their release. And so it was easy to kind of let ourselves slide and give us some give ourselves some slack as we were kind of, you know, getting under water in terms of our personal energy. I'm going to be back to continue the Sundays. Tim, I think is going to continue the dailies when he can, But I wanted to be really upfront that one of the reasons that I began doing this was personal is for me, it wasn't really for my audience. I don't have a huge audience that doesn't bother me. That's not why I do it. And I picked up the Sundays and encouraged Tim to consider doing the to the dailies on his own because I wanted to share with him. And really anybody who wants to co-host what it means to dive into Scripture and trust your own experience as a service member or veteran or military dependent. And so I'm really still doing this for me. The Sundays I haven't tackled, but I am now. And that's because I really have found a really deep interest in the Bible, and I've discovered that I interpret it in ways that a lot of more influential exegesis, you know, people who interpret the Bible for us in a way that a lot of people don't because of my experience and I've heard podcast hosts and Bible scholars that I really look up to say that they won't deal with, you know, the violence in Joshua and judges or they won't deal with some of the political implications. And so I'm going to keep doing first formation, not just for myself and, you know, kind of gaining some confidence for myself, but also I'm transcribing all of the posts that we've been putting up. And if I'm if I really am committed, I'll transcribe all the three years that I did it, you know, before I took a hiatus. And that's all going up at $0.02. Q Eventually under its own blog, where you can search you know, by book and chapter, or you can search, you know, whatever's in the reflection. And hopefully it'll work and you can think or you can look at specific days or specific seasons or specific texts and find out what I've had to say about or what Tim has had to say about it. And if what any co-host has to say about it that wants to jump in on the dailies. 

So I haven't put that online yet, but it is a big part of why I'm continuing to do this, not necessarily because I'm, you know, looking to get a big audience, but because I want to do this as a practice and a tradition for myself and create that opportunity for others to engage with the Bible specifically through the lens of of military service. So that's kind of a long explanation or excuse, but hopefully it shed some light on on what's kind of been going on in our lives and the reminder that you can still count on us to put them up. Just a request for grace and patience when we aren't consistent, because I know I've read all the podcasting, you know, guides and everything and you got to do stuff consistently, and I absolutely get that. But I'm also human and I, you know, I do as best I can, and I am letting down my audience, although as I said at the top, you're not why I do this, but I do want you to get something from it. And so if you are interested in becoming a co-host, listen to the the kind of show notes at the end or the the post post-production post thingy. I don't know what to call it, but anyway, I I'm going to sit down and record some right now for the Sundays. I've been in touch with Tim and he should be picking up the dailies again when he can. But I appreciate you listening and I hope if there's something good that comes out of this that you let me know. And they will be that way. I will be sure to do more of it. But anyway, thank you for listening. I'm not doing it for you, but I do appreciate you.